Tecura web
Tecura is a very simple painting machine designed by Evru for the people of different capacities.

Welcome to TECURA Web site!

IMPORTANT!!! Updating of Tecura 4,0 - November 2008

If your Tecura 4,0 is a version that you downloaded before the day 13/11/08 is imprescindíble to bring up to date for its correct operation. To bring up to date Tecura 4,0 continues the following steps:

1.- Discharge tecura_update. zip
2.- Decompresses the file tecura_update. zip, to obtain the files paint.dxr and prog.cxt
3.- Closes Tecura 4,0 if you have the open
4.- Opens the Folder where have your copy of Tecura 4,0
5.- In the folder "dates" that will find, substitutes the two archicvos paint.dxr and prog.cxt by the ones that they come with this updating
6.- Tecura 4,0 already is ready for function.

TECURA.ORG is a platform where you can explore your creativity with Tecura V.4.0 presented by Evru.

We invite you to share your creativity with the Tecura users world wide through this image data base.

Once you finished your artworgk using Tecura 4.0, you just have to send it via Internet clicking the SEND button in the program interface.
In this web site you can find more resources such as easy to understand tutorial videos in the HELP as well as Downloads, Tecura Virtual Galleries, latest Tecura events in the News section and lots more.

TECURA is a digital painting tool created by Evru for the people of different capacities and of all ages. Download it now, and enjoy your creativity with Tecura !


user's gallery

Wolf Eye
Alvaro Luque Tordesillas
download Tecura

Tecura 4.0

TECURA is a "digital painting machine". You can download and install it on your computer as a desktop application.

Download »

tecura image
tecura image
tecura image
tecura image


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