Tecura is a very simple painting machine designed by Evru for the people of different capacities.
banquet_nodes_networks, ZKM Karlsruhe
Other galleries
- » tecura users gallery
- » banquet nodes and networks, ZKM Karlsruhe
- » Tecura at Fundaciķ Suņol Barcelona
- » MNCARS, june 2008
- » Fine Arts Dept. Granada Univ. May 2008
- » banquete_08_redes_nodos
- » Tecura in the Nabi Art Center Seoul, Korea
- » Samsung-OMNIA-touchcity-Madrid-2008
Exhibition, banquete_nodes and networks guides us from neural micro worlds to global dynamics of digital networking. Showing current positions in Spanish media art that deal with networked systems, it thus meaningfully complements the previous exhibition "The Discreet Charm of Technology", that was shown in the ZKM until February 15th.
Exhibitions 03|2009
March 14th-June 28th, 2009
banquet_nodes and networks.
Netculture in Spain
Opening: Fri, 13 March at 7pm. in the ZKM_Foyer
Exhibition: March 14th-June 28th, 2009
ZKM | Museum of Contemporary Art
Idea and concept: Karin Ohlenschläger and Luis Rico.
Curator: Karin Ohlenschläger.
Project management: Andreas F. Beitin
Organization of the traveling exhibition: SEACEX.
Exhibition production: LABoral, Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón, Spain; Fundación Telefónica; SEACEX.
Participating Artists:
Aetherbits, Antoni Abad, Eugenio Ampudia, Marcel.lí Antúnez, Pablo Armesto, José Manuel Berenguer, Clara Boj y Diego Díaz, Daniel Canogar, Álvaro Castro, Alfredo Colunga, Escoitar, Evru, Joan Fontcuberta, Dora García, Marta de Gonzalo y Publio Pérez Prieto, Hackitectura, Ricardo Iglesias, Influenza, Concha Jerez y José Iges Kònic Thtr., Laboratorio de Luz, Joan Leandre, Neokinok TV, Marina Núñez, Pedro Ortuño, Raquel Paricio y J. Manuel Moreno Aróstegui, Platoniq, Francisco Ruiz de Infante, Águeda Simó.
The exhibition banquete_nodes and networks organized by the ZKM Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, the SEACEX (State Corporation for Spanish Cultural Action Abroad), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Directorate for Cultural and Scientific Relations, and LABoral Center for Arts Education and Industrial Development, and the Fundación Telefónica.
It also has the support of the Institut Ramon Llull, Medialab Madrid, the Cultural Association Banquete, the National Bioinformatics Institute, UNESCO and the Spanish Embassy in Germany.